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- Posted by: Dawn Marie McAlister
It's been amazing to listen the last 8 days and catch words that I actually know. How fun is that?! Thank you, Keith and Nehemia for all the faithful work you've done to help...
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- Posted by: Dawn Marie McAlister
Keith posted a response to my first post about slowing the recording down. I did that this morning and had the opportunity to really look at the Hebrew as I was reading/listening. While I...
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- Posted by: Dawn Marie McAlister
WOW! Just, WOW! I've decided to listen to the whole chapter both days instead of splitting them up by verses and I just got done listening to Bereshit 1 all the way through on this...
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Let’s Listen to the first 5-in Hebrew!
Posted by: Keith JohnsonCongratulations on participating in the inaugural Readers of the Book Club! If you didn’t complete the entire program, feel free to pick up this year wherever you left off last year! Now let’s keep the...
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- Posted by: Catherine Ozment
At first blush it seems that Galatians 4:21-31 is supporting the age old argument that the we are no longer under the law but that we are “children of the promise”. What am I...
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- Posted by: Dawn Marie McAlister
I can't really believe that there are only two more days of the Gregorian year 2019. We all began this journey together 352 days ago and what a blessing the journey has been. Keith, thank...
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- Posted by: Mona Stardragon
Shalom everyone In this week's reading of the scriptures, in II Corinthians 12:2-5 I read... "2) I knew a man in the Messiah above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot...
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- Posted by: Roni Walters
I'm a little ahead -- just finished Psalms. His Name is a recurring theme throughout Psalms, so I went through and highlighted everywhere it states "His Name". We are to give...
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An Annoyance of Interpretation…
Posted by: Mona StardragonWhen I read the KJV... and my other Reference material, I must admit an annoyance of an interpretation. In many of my references, the word "corn" is used. Although I know...
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- Posted by: Izabella Ross
Why is it important for our youth to study the Torah?
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Readers of the Book (18 and under)
Posted by: Stephen RossHey guys! My name is Stephen Ross and I'm 14 years old. I was just thinking wouldn't it be cool if there was a place for us kids. You know 18 years old...
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Reflections from Genesis/Bereishit
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Genesis/Bereshit. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Understanding Hebrew thought for “Us” and “Our” in Gen 1:26
Posted by: Sven BrownFollowing is a Summary of 2 white papers regarding Gen 1:26 using Hebrew grammar and the language that I hope clears up confusion. The 2 papers are an 8 page Non-Technical (as possible)...
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- Posted by: Susan Lein
Hello! I was reading 46:8-15 and I keep being tripped up by the math. When I count out the children through Leah, I count either 34, if I include the two dead sons of...
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Male and Female He Created Them
Posted by: Denise CatoZaKaR- male Elohim created ZaKaR From ZaKaR to remember Bring to My remembrance ...
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- Posted by: Edie Ellingson
A few days ago we read chapter 9 and in it is a very confusing verse - vs. 3. "Every creature that lives shall be yours to eat; as with the green grasses,...
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Reflections from Exodus/Shemot
Posted by: Keith JohnsonHere is where we are going to share our reflections based on the daily readings from this book. Remember, if you have a broader topic for discussion, or "trivia" we will place those posts...
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Was The First Passover On The Night of the 14th or the 15th?
Posted by: Barbara StewartMany times when I read Exodus chapter 12, I rehash again, “Was the first Passover on the night of the 14th or the 15th?” I’m using the JPS translation 12:3 ...
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When does the day begin? Another witness…
Posted by: Dale TrottierEnjoyed some conversation during chapter one of Beresheeth (Genesis) regarding the matter of time - which our Abba Father YHVH Created - and when the day begins - at sundown as traditionally thought and...
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- Posted by: Susan Lein
Hello! I wanted to run some thoughts about Hur past you guys for your feedback! Last time I read Exodus, I thought "who is this Hur hanging out with Aaron?" as written about in Ex....
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- Posted by: Roni Walters
Exodus 7:15-21 tells that all the water in the land was turned to blood, the fish died, and the Mitsrites couldn't drink the water, "both in wooden and in stone containers." Verse 22 states that...
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- Posted by: Robert Scarborough
It just so happens that I listened to the Torah Pearls show for the portion of Ki Tisa (Exodus 30:11-34:55) on the same day that I did the daily reading for Leviticus 14. Keith, on...
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Reflections from Leviticus/Vayikra
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Leviticus/Vayikra. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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The Dwelling Place of YHVH Elohim & the Essence of the Kohenim Service
Posted by: Dale TrottierShalom All, Our Abba Father YHVH has this to Share with us... “The dwelling place built with man’s hands according to the Instructions I Shared in the Wilderness with My servant and friend Moshe - and...
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- Posted by: Dawn Marie McAlister
I'm catching up on the Original Torah Pearls and just finished Tzav (6:1 - 8:36). I'm in full agreement with Jono, I have so much more studying to do. The tradition I come from pretty...
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Reflections from Numbers/Bamidbar
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, sorry for the delay! Here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Numbers/Bamidbar. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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- Posted by: Keith Johnson
Is the Bible the inspired word of God? Or is it a book of fables and myths? Award-winning investigative filmmaker Timothy Mahoney and his Patterns of Evidence team return with a brand-new examination into The...
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Reflections from Deuteronomy/Devarim
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Deuteronomy/Devarim. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from Joshua/Yehoshua
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Joshua/Yehoshua. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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- Posted by: Susan Lein
It is amazing how different translations can use helper words and punctuation that isn't in the Hebrew to make such different senses of things! My mom and I stumbled across one such example when...
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Reflections from Judges/Shoftim
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Judges/Shoftim. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from 1 Samuel/Shmuel 1
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of 1 Samuel/Shmuel 1. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from 2 Samuel/Shmuel 2
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of 2 Samuel/Shmuel 2. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from 1 Kings/Melakim 1
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of 1 Kings/Melakim 1. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from 2 Kings/Melakim 2
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of 2 Kings/Melakim 2. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from Isaiah/Yeshayahu
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Isaiah/Yeshayahu. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from Ezekiel/Yechezkel
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Ezekiel/Yechezkel. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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- Posted by: Keith Johnson
Okay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Hosea/Hoshea. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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- Posted by: Keith Johnson
Okay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Joel/Yoel. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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- Posted by: Keith Johnson
Okay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Amos. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from Obadiah/Ovadya
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Obadiah/Ovadya. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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- Posted by: Keith Johnson
Okay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Jonah/Yona. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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- Posted by: Keith Johnson
Okay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Micah/Micha. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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- Posted by: Keith Johnson
Okay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Nahum/Nachum. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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- Posted by: Michael Gibson
Shalom, I wish I could relate the incredible blessings I have received today on what we americans call my birthday, and tell it all and tell it right, of how I felt...
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Reflections from Habakkuk/Chavakuk
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Habakkuk/Chavakuk. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from Zephaniah/Tzefanya
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Zephaniah/Tzefanya. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from Haggai/Chagai
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Haggai/Chagai. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from Zechariah/Zecharya
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Zechariah/Zecharya. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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- Posted by: Keith Johnson
Okay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Malachi. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from Psalms/Tehillim
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Psalms/Tehillim. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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DM’s Response to Edie’s Post to Her on 10/25
Posted by: Dawn Marie McAlisterThis post is in response to Edie's post to me on 10/25. Agreed, Edie. I started reading the Bible while ignoring the chapter, verse and heading divisions about 4 or 5 years ago. That’s what...
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- Posted by: Edie Ellingson
I am starting a new post because for some reason my replies and comments are not posting. So, I will try this. I am responding to Dawn's comment regarding the Proverbs 31...
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Reflections from Proverbs/Mishlei
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Proverbs/Mishlei. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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- Posted by: Keith Johnson
Okay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Job/Iyov. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from Song of Songs/Shir Hashirim
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Song of Songs/Shir Hashirim. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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- Posted by: Keith Johnson
Okay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Ruth/Rut. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from Lamentations/Eicha
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Lamentations/Eicha. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from Ecclesiastes/Kohelet
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Ecclesiastes/Kohelet. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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- Posted by: Keith Johnson
Okay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Esther. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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- Posted by: Keith Johnson
Okay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Daniel. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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- Posted by: Keith Johnson
Okay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Ezra. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from Nehemiah/Nechemya
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of Nehemiah/Nechemya. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from 1 Chronicles/Divrei Hayamim 1
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of 1 Chronicles/Divrei Hayamim 1. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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Reflections from 2 Chronicles/Divrei Hayamim 2
Posted by: Keith JohnsonOkay my friends, here is a place to dialogue regarding the book of 2 Chronicles/Divrei Hayamim 2. Feel free to share your questions, comments and reflections from the daily readings.
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