Click on the word to hear it in Hebrew and see the translation:
English translation will show here
Transliteration (click from left to right)
ve-yeet-ba-rech mal-choot-cha, re-tson-cha yee-h'-ye
a-sui ba-sha-mai-yeem oo-va-a-rets, ve-tee-ten lach-me-noo
te-mee-deet, oo-me-chol la-noo cha-to-tay-noo
ka-a-sher a-nach-noo mo-cha-leem la-chot-teem
la-noo, ve-al te-vee-ay-noo lee-day nees-sa-yon,
ve-shom-ray-noo mee-kol rah, a-men.
ve-yeet-ba-rech mal-choot-cha, re-tson-cha yee-h'-ye
a-sui ba-sha-mai-yeem oo-va-a-rets, ve-tee-ten lach-me-noo
te-mee-deet, oo-me-chol la-noo cha-to-tay-noo
ka-a-sher a-nach-noo mo-cha-leem la-chot-teem
la-noo, ve-al te-vee-ay-noo lee-day nees-sa-yon,
ve-shom-ray-noo mee-kol rah, a-men.
Hebrew (click from right to left)
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