When putting a puzzle together, I have always heard that you should start with the corners and then the border before trying to put pieces together from the middle.
HIDE DESCRIPTIONFrom the beginning of time, the Torah (literally, God’s “instruction”) has provided a window for man to look into the heart and mind of his Creator. Historically, the word Torah has been used to refer to the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). But Torah isn’t limited to just five books; it encompasses the entirety of God’s divine instruction throughout the “Old Testament.” Unfortunately, when most people hear the word Torah they immediately think “law,” which evokes a negative response. But God’s instruction leads to life! Let us help you learn what God’s Torah really is and what it actually says. We want you to experience the Torah as God’s eternal instruction and revelation for humanity. When you encounter His word, His will, and His way from a truly Torah-oriented perspective, it will enrich and change your life forever!
I just have one more thing I want to mention from my visit to Babylon that is connected to one of the most well-known stories that ever took place in biblical Iraq.
I am in awe about how the human mind works, especially when it mixes signals and brings an unintended deep truth up from the subconscious. Such was the case for former President George Bush as he tried his darndest to throw President Putin of Russia under the bus for invading Ukraine in 2022.
When I read the story of Daniel about the writing on the wall, it made me think of the famous Spelling Bee contest that leaves only one person standing behind the microphone on stage spelling the most obscure words in the English language.
When it comes to who was calling the shots in the creation of the country of Iraq, you might assume that the movers and shakers were men.
After digging deep into the history of Iraq, I think there could have been another sitcom called the British Hillbillies who, through war, discovered that Iraq was filled with Black Gold and Tehran Tea… you know, oil that could keep their empire stashed with cash for a really long time.
There are two prophecies in the Hebrew scriptures that clearly state that Babylon would not be rebuilt and there would be no repopulation program.
As I was thinking about how to introduce this episode, I was standing in line at the grocery store and saw an intriguing LIFE magazine. I quickly opened it to see if Abraham’s hometown in Iraq made the list as “one of the holiest places on earth.”
While in biblical Iraq, I kept having experiences that sometimes caused me to laugh out loud as I met people, visited places, and saw things that simply cracked me up. One such encounter happened after I had finished my visit to Ur.