“But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.” Daniel 12:4
Foreshadowing what the BFA International team is presently creating in our Scripture Bytes Interface laboratory, take a look at this amazing Hebrew Bible technology video. I am convinced that if Daniel saw this it would raise even his eyebrows.
Technion’s Nano Bible is now on exhibit at the Israel Museum’s renowned Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem. Learn how Technion-Israel Institute of Technology engineers from the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute engraved the entire Hebrew Bible on a chip no larger than a grain of sugar. Continue Reading…
When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills. Chinese Proverb
Would anyone be interested in seeing a really short video from my private library of frustrating moments that now have new meaning? Take a look at the video I was trying to film on the top of Mount Gerizim in Samaria and you will understand what I mean about frustrating moments!
I am in Charlotte working with our team for the next exciting phase of ministry at BFA International. However, the winds of change are blowing and it is causing some challenges; but if you will keep reading, watching, supporting ad praying….we will adjust as needed and keep working!
After you watch you should consider taking a peek into our Academy Premium Content Library. Take advantage of our 7-Day Free Trial and cancel if you are not completely satisfied. Go ahead and make a no risk high reward decision by signing up right here right now!
While I was in Israel I noticed that people around the world were pushing the proverbial panic button—again—claiming that Israel is in trouble. This provided plenty of fuel for the planetary-pattern prophets, who are betting that as we are in the midst of “four blood moons,” with a cameo of a rare solar eclipse, this could be when everything lines up with what they have been promoting for the last year or more. Continue Reading…
Last week, while I was visiting the Temple Mount with two Israeli citizens, two members of the Muslim waqf approached me. You know, the guys who are the designated religious police up there. The first waqf watcher entered my personal space and asked, “Do you remember me?” I answered no. He then leaned even closer to my face and asked, “Do you remember me?” Again I answered no. He then replied in an antagonistic tone, “You don’t remember me. That’s a good thing.” As he backed away he instructed the new designated waqf photographer to snap a few pictures of me.
At that point, one of my Israeli friends thought it best to get off the mountain. As we were walking away, another waqf officer, whom I did remember, quickly walked right next to me and asked in a sarcastic tone, “How is your friend Yehuda Glick?” At that point it was clear to me that those guys wanted me to know that they are keeping track of pastors like me who support the work of Rabbi Yehuda Glick. I guess the other possibility is that they are members of the growing and diverse BFA International fan club. You decide. Continue Reading…
If Israel really needed America’s help in a war, I wonder if we would do it again. This intriguing documentary tells the story of a group of Americans who put their lives on the line to defend the fledgling State of Israel from a massive attack by five Arab armies. It wasn’t their country, but they made it their war. It’s a remarkable story that not many people have heard. Take a few minutes to preview the Documentary “Above and Beyond”.
From the moment I set foot on Namibian soil it was an adventure. Rather than try to explain everything that took place, I would like to invite you to both listen and see for yourself what happened in this distant and beautiful land. First, listen above to a national radio program I was invited to be on that sets the stage for the BFA International mission in Namibia.
Then take a flight and a stroll with me below through the lens of my trusty video camera to encounter some Namibian wildlife. I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take you with me to see some of God’s beautiful creation. Enjoy!
Nearly a year ago I was invited to be a guest columnist for Breaking Israel News (BIN), which gave me an opportunity to share my assessment of present-day events from a biblical perspective. So began a fruitful relationship. I am pleased to announce that BIN, along with Israel365.com, is featuring our Scripture Bytes series “Ten Matters That Still Matter to God” as part of their Israel Bible Reading Plan. Imagine that!
This cooperative venture is so unique that Rabbi Tuly Weisz, publisher of Breaking Israel News and founder of Israel365, has written a special article to explain and celebrate our efforts. Be sure to read his thoughtful comments here. Continue Reading…
This is the first in a new series of “Audioblog Updates” that will keep our growing BFA International community in the “loop”. You will be surprised to hear what has already happened in just the first 30 days of 2015 that surely must be God’s favor. OK, at least I am surprised! The momentum from 2014 has catapulted BFA International to a new level and you are playing an important role! Seriously. Listen for yourself as I bring you up to date in this audioblog.
I knew that the Freedom to Pray movement would be challenged by the religious police, the spiritual border patrol, and the political power brokers. I wasn’t sure how the mainstream media would respond or if there would even be a response . . . until now. If this interview of my friend and colleague Rabbi Yehuda Glick is any indication of the perspective of the media regarding the Freedom to Pray movement, then we can add another adversary to the list. After being pushed, prodded, and provoked in this intense interview, Yehuda once again proved that he can survive and even thrive through adversity. Continue Reading…
What would you do if you felt called to go to a place where the The U.S. State Department sent you the following warning?
The Department of State warns U.S. citizens of the risks of travel to the Philippines, in particular to the Sulu Archipelago, the island of Mindanao, and the southern Sulu Sea area. This Travel Warning replaces the Travel Warning dated May 19, 2014, and reflects continuing threats in those areas due to terrorist and insurgent activities.
Ok, so of the 7,000 possible Islands of the Philippines…that’s right folks the Philippines has 7,000 islands of various sizes and populations, there are only three that are on the U.S. State Department travel warning list and one of them is where I was invited to go.
After you listen to this Special Report, please watch the press conference of my friend Rabbi Yehudah Glick on the day he was released from the hospital after a miraculous recovery! This has truly been a Thanksgiving week to remember!