While in biblical Iraq, I kept having experiences that sometimes caused me to laugh out loud as I met people, visited places, and saw things that simply cracked me up. One such encounter happened after I had finished my visit to Ur.
While in biblical Iraq, I kept having experiences that sometimes caused me to laugh out loud as I met people, visited places, and saw things that simply cracked me up. One such encounter happened after I had finished my visit to Ur.
Before Abraham became the father of Ishmael and Isaac, he dwelled between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The place he resided has given us a peek into the past, and the people he lived among have raised their voices to reveal a secret through the discovery of an ancient artifact from Abraham’s hometown of Ur in biblical Iraq.
As I found myself in southern Iraq, floating on the Euphrates River, I realized that beyond being in the region of the Garden of Eden, I was also in Noah’s neighborhood! As I opened my Bible to Genesis chapters 5-10, I discovered that there was no Bible GPS that gave Noah’s address, so I figured I would skip this episode. But then I heard about an ancient artifact discovered in Biblical Iraq that may have come from Noah’s diary!
After getting a glimpse into the conflict between Saddam Hussein and the Shiite Muslims in the marshland, I realized that it was a microcosm of a macro mess that had morphed throughout the Middle East.
My trip to Iraq gave me the inspiration for the name of our brand-new audio/video podcast. I am calling it Biblical Iraq Unpacked. Did you know that modern Iraq is located in ancient Mesopotamia? It is the location of the birthplace of the biblical narratives of the Garden of Eden, Noah and the flood, Abraham and Sarah, Jonah and the whale, Daniel in the lion’s den, Assyria, Babylon, Nineveh, and beyond! Iraq connects ancient places with awesome artifacts that confirm the amazing message of the Bible for us today, and I simply must share what I encountered there! Continue Reading…
Would you believe that there is a remnant of people that exists today that are connected to the location of the biblical Garden of Eden? Grab your Bible and a bag of popcorn and let’s take a trip to the southern tip of biblical Iraq so we can unpack the facts about these guests in the Garden of Eden!
In 1991, the United States led coalition forces from dozens of countries against Iraq in a 43-day war that changed the Middle East and the world. After the U.S. accomplished its mission, President George Bush Senior encouraged the people of Iraq to take things into their own hands and overthrow Saddam Hussein.
At one point, the Israeli police called Yehudah Glick, “The most dangerous man in the Middle East.” Since that time, he has led an international movement to return peace and prayer to arguably the most contested piece of real estate in the world-The Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Come and walk with him and judge for yourself if he is so dangerous.
The Jericho in the Bible is the same Jericho that we can visit today-VIRTUALLY! Continue Reading…
What can I say? This ancient gate is connected to the archeologist who found it and Father Abraham himself! Continue Reading…