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  • Also, why would “hovah” be part of His Name when it means destruction?

  • You are unscrupulous, lying, devious, and greedy! I don’t believe a word you say. I must say, it takes someone smart to come up up with such a plan to scam people into believing they can get the name of God for free then charge them after they sign up. No true Christian would do this. I am elderly and was so excited to find out His Name. I can’t afford to pay you for it! Thanks.

  • Thank you and thanks to Nehemia for all the wonderful information. Your ministry is such a blessing. I thank Yehova my dad told me about Nehemia which led me here. Thank you all so very much for all your hard work and obedience to our God Yehova.

  • Precious teaching damaged by those images of men representing the Lamb of The Almighty.
    That visual bible is a sin take it down please, is an offense to YEHOVAH.

  • With all due consideration to ur work and ministry, “The Name of GOD pure and simple” is NOT so simple, or pure! I’ve logged on wanting to know my God’s name and all I keep getting is direction to click for this, and register for that. What happened to truth-in-advertisement? …..Please what is God’s NAME?!!

  • very informal. Why isn’t the name Yahweh being used today since the word of God say this name should be used for all generation and eternity back at the burning bush.

    So Jesus was given in the place of Yahsuah the son of God?

  • I have read the seal of Yahweh and I am very pleased with this information as it is confirmation for me thank you so much and may God be with you I love you and I will pray for what you are doing here it holds great power and can bring peace on Earth God Bless You! 😇🙏

  • Wow man God bless you guys and thank you so much for this rich and valuable information

  • Shalom,
    I Thank Yehovah everyday for you and Nememia for blessing you both with the
    TRUTH of His Word and pass it on . You and Nehemia are a blessing.
    Shalom Aleichem,

  • Thank you so much for all you do!

    Please send me an email invite to part 3 of the LIVE WEBINAR, The Name Encountered.

    My email address is: ge*****@pr********.com

    Thank you!

  • WOW, there is so much to learn and I have been bouncing from your web site to Nehemiah’s and even Michael Rood’s and I am just grateful for all the work and research that you both have devoted to finding the truth .
    I would love to learn to read hebrew myself someday.
    So much thanks to yourself, and Nehemia and all who assisted you in the research and ministry for people like me. God bless.

  • I am a new here to start my lessons I hope the LORD GOD will help me AMEN.

  • Keith and Staff, thank you so much for all you and Nehemia do to bring us Biblical understanding for todays time.
    I am happy to be a tiny part of it in my monthly support.
    Love and Blessings to each of you, your family and your staff.
    BTW… I loved the ‘Live, NOT from quarantine” video!

  • I love this Ministry and want to Thank You again Brother Keith for ALL you do to bring The Truth of Yehovah’s Word to us, “It’s Amazing.”

  • Thank you!

  • ¿Algun dia traduciran el video al español?

  • My name is Margaret Kanu
    November 4, 2020 at 2:04 pm  /

    I thank God for my life I have accepted Christ as my personal saviour forever I will join believers all to save the perishing soul in of His Only Son Jesus Christ Amen

  • Awesome ! thank you for sharing this wisdom . i love it and i will never be the same again.

  • Keith can you call me 1409838-1009

  • Awesome study, I loved your book and have wanted more teaching since I read it. Thank you pastor Keith for making God’s name known!

  • Toda raba Bro. Keith for your continuous effort sharing the biblical truth regarding the Proper name of our Creator…. you’re a berakah. I’ve just watched the Part two of The Name Explained… Be Baruch!

  • I sent twice and did not mean TOO! So I will finish! The Gideon Bible Restorers stated this; “We have therefore addressed and updated the spelling of some words, and the appearance of some old letters, for the sake of American readers ease of comprehension. Many times this simply meant changing an apparent f to an s; a y to an i; (may this be the source of the i of iisus from Greek? just speculating here! continuing).. a v to a u; an i to a j; and so forth”. The J came from a printers style change but what if the last change was based on the oldest correct translation of the i to a Y and thinking it was an intermediate change, not a I? I am struggling here and not explaining this well: so help me think this thru Keith! Just finished the new “the NAME of the LORD Encountered and I am ready to begin studying again with you! Rick I am also going thru the “The NAME Explained Series” Thank you for all the work you have already done and I am Thankful for Reggie White!

  • Logged in as William; but I am (lower case) Rick Jones. Keith You blessed me beyond measure with the call! : ) Incommunicado from the 16th thru the 27th on a Cruise and found something interesting about the NAME, in the 1599 Geneva Bible restoration of 2006-2010. I read it on the cruise and also finished Nehemia just before landing at Portland!
    Didn’t you have a partner in crime for awhile named Nehemia? I digress! About the Geneva Bible, I do not know if you received my email or not, so this may be a repeat. The Preface, states there were as many as 150 printings of the Geneva Bible in 75 years. William Bradford and his community knew the Name of God because they placed it on his Tombstone as the first word which we discussed I believe!
    The Restorers of the Geneva Bible explained the how and why of what they did! I believe because I have seen the Tombstone that they actually spoke the name correctly way back then! So an explanation of the new Restorers on pg viii in the front reveals what method the enemy used to hide the NAME again!

  • Thank you for this message. I hope it posted on my Facebook correctly. I’m not all that literate when it comes to the IT stuff.

  • Thank you Keith for sharing what YeHoVaH has shared with you. The work you are doing is truly a blessing and an opportunity for countless numbers, myself included. How glorious they are, the Creator YeHoVaH and His Word (The Living Torah, Yeshua).

    Strength and blessings upon you in YeHoVaH through His Son, Yeshua Ha’Mashiach! Shalom

  • yes i will pray
    love it!! Awesome!!! His Name is His Nature , YeHoVaH, Above All !!! in charge of time and space ,He slumbers not and is not hinder by what He has created and delights in whom He has birthed.

  • Yes! Add a donation to BFA to my order.
