The Name of God Pure and Simple Video Series
4 Episodes Aired on Shabbat Night Live!

Episode 1
Every version of the Bible has different ways of saying the same thing — and some are much different than others! But there’s something curious that happens when it comes to God’s name. Keith Johnson and Scott Laird square off in a Bible VS Bible translational showdown!
Episode 2
Learn the past-present-future name of God!
Translation matters! In this episode, Keith Johnson and Scott Laird demonstrate how small changes from one Bible translation to another can result in some pretty big missed opportunities. Watch this episode and learn how to find the past-present-future name of YeHoVaH in your own Bible!
Episode 3
A surprise in the burning Bush!
The late, great friend of A Rood Awakening International, Brad Scott, had a profoundly simple saying about the Hebrew language: “Words mean things.” In this episode, Keith Johnson and Scott Laird explore that truth as it relates to the encounter between Moses and the burning bush.
Episode 4
Remember to use God’s name!
Remembering is not just something we do with our minds, we do it with our mouths. In this final episode of The Name of God: Pure and Simple, Keith Johnson explains the biblical concept of remembering with our mouths — and the promises the Almighty gives us if we will do so when using his name!