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  • If this is half as good as the Time series, it will be fabulous. These topics are the harbinger’s sent to the saints in America to repent. Excited to know that Keith’s vision is in sync with much of the Prophetic Word we are hearing. No more revival, it’s time for reformation.

  • The road to reformation is empty and grown up in weeds. It’s time to mow the grass and remove the road blocks. In the last days they that know their God, Yehovah, will be strong and do great things. Yeshua knew his God and did great things. We should follow his example. Thanks, Keith.

  • Keith aren’t these the things that must occur before Yeshua returns. So shouldn’t we look up for his kingdom is drawing near. We know who is the ruler of this world. We the bride are trying to keep ourselves spotless while we wait for the bridegroom.

  • It is critical for this series to happen at this point in our history! I agree, Keith…if not NOW, then WHEN? I am wondering, Keith, if those questioning the timing are really NOT happy with the title of the series? Most people probably think that the Reformation happened a long time ago…and they’re right it did! But you are presenting a series about the TRUE reformation. The return of Israel to her home and to the Torah! We MUST get back to our roots America!!

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