“Who May Ascend?”
You Decide
And who may stand in His holy place?
Psalms 24:3
For the last few years I have been puzzled by the police’s practice of persistently prohibiting prayer on the Temple Mount, even though the Israeli courts have ruled that it is legal for pilgrims to offer prayer up there.
Last year [2014] at the time of Shavuot/Pentecost I traveled to Israel to experience, up close and personal, the answer to the question posed in Psalm 24: “Who may ascend?” And for an entire year, I have watched events on the Temple Mount deteriorate from unreasonable to absurd.
Rather than try to guess how this question would be answered by the politicians, the police, the Palestinians, or the Jordanians, I have decided to take a different approach. Another way to answer the question asked in Psalm 24 is to consider the experience of a man who in 2014 led 50 Jewish pilgrims to ascend the Temple Mount in peace. Now, after being falsely accused, banned from ascending, and surviving an assassination attempt that left him battling for his very life, I wonder if he might be the type of man King David had in mind when he wrote this psalm of ascent.
At the time of this writing the Israeli courts have stepped in and once again given Rabbi Glick permission to ascend, but with heavy restrictions. In its ruling, the court stated that he is limited to one visit per month and is prohibited from possessing a smartphone or camera during his visits. This is to “prevent him from provoking the Muslim community.” The court also explicitly forbade Rabbi Glick from “reading anything at all aloud” to anyone on the Temple Mount.
Now, adding insult to injury, on May 12th the Israeli police appealed the court’s decision to again allow Rabbi Glick to ascend the Temple Mount. They claim that Glick’s “going up to the Temple Mount could lead to riots and a public safety risk.” Now do you understand what I mean when I say that what is happening on the Temple Mount is absurd?
I have put together a 10-minute video of the ascent of Rabbi Yehuda Glick and 50 Jewish pilgrims on the eve of Shavuot 2014. It might help answer this question from a different perspective than that of the politicians, the police, the Palestinians, the Jordanians, or even the Israeli court system. I wonder if God might have answered the question, “Who may ascend?” through His intervention in the life of Rabbi Yehuda Glick. You decide.
For more information about the Temple Mount Truth Project, click the logo.
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October 20, 2015 at 9:36 pm /
Ahhh…how certain people risk their keyboard with opinions while certain people risk their lives for what they believe to be true. Is there at least a lesson in this?
One should certainly admire the intense faith of those who are said to be “unbelievers”. Though I do now, and will always affirm YeHoVaH in and through YeHo-shua (Yeshua), I am humbled when I see the faith journey of believers like Yehuda Glick (and company) encounter a believing reality in a different way. Those with their “Messiah” should take notes.
I imagine a heavenly 😉 as the event occurred. Thank you, Keith, for producing this.
October 19, 2015 at 7:37 pm /
If I could go up to the Mount, I would take my shoes off, be humble, and pray: “God, I know you’re getting mad. But I didn’t do it!”
May 24, 2015 at 8:29 pm /
Why does the location matter? Oh, maybe because it matters to YHVH. And yes, HE will fix it, when He is ready. But that does not make it unimportant in the meantime. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, why? Because location matters people. Location, location, location.
May 23, 2015 at 4:39 pm /
What year was this filmed, please? Things seem very tranquil on the Mount in the video as compared to the atmosphere we find now on the Temple Mount, with the hordes of screaming, shoe throwing women, etc.
May 24, 2015 at 12:31 am /
This was filmed at Shavuot 2014 right before everything seemed to change.
May 23, 2015 at 2:04 pm /
Pedro is right and has cut to the heart of the Torah, that God wants us to be holy as He is holy and to worship Him in spirit, no matter what is our location or personal circumstance.
Mt. Moriah is the place Yah has chosen and it stands before the world as a witness. Yah often takes the smallest things or most dire of situations to astound the world that mocks Him, and He raises up the humbled and brings glory to His name, by doing the “impossible.” Abraham and Sarah were as good as dead, but Yah brought forth Isaac and, through Abraham’s obedience and sacrifice, made Abraham the father of all nations. The Temple Mount today stands in ruins and as a garbage dump with chants of people who defy Yehovah with arrogance and hate, thinking that the God of Israel has forgotten Jacob. Another god is in the face of Yehovah and before the eyes of the world. But Yehovah will eventually laugh at them. He will restore righteousness and peace and His temple Presence to His Holy Hill. “Is anything too hard for God?”
Before the eyes of the world God will do the impossible. He must glorify His name before the nations. The end result will be as in Jer. 3: 14-19. All people, the redeemed, will eventually call Yehovah “my Father, and shall not turn away from me.” Our faith is the proof of these things not yet seen.
May 23, 2015 at 11:38 am /
With the respect to you Keith and what you believe and understand, but don’t you think that if God presence and name was meant to be there..why did he allow the Romans to destroy the temple ? and there after allow the arabs take over the spot. we need to reconsider now and ask ourselves does it matter with God what graphical spot we are to worship Him. Did not yeshua said to the Samaritan woman in john 4:21 : believe me woman the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. Then he continues with the words in verse 23: nevertheless the hour is coming and it is now when the true worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth or indeed the Father looking for ones like these to worship Him, God is a spirit and those worshiping Him must worship in the spirit and truth. so as I understand yeshua words here..that what matters with God is not WHERE we worship Him. But the focus is on the HOW the personal aspect and not so much on what geographical stop we are to pray or worship him. In other words what matters with God is not the physical aspect of our worship, but the non physical aspect…just a thought I had.
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