Biblical Iraq Unpacked Episode #9
Jonah and the War Zone

When I heard that an ancient site that is connected to one of my favorite stories in the Bible was on ISIS’s list for destruction, I was discouraged.
But when I found out what was discovered after the destruction, I was encouraged. When I was determined to see with my own two eyes the archeological evidence that matched the biblical message, I was ecstatic and made my way to Nineveh, in Biblical Iraq.
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After you watch this episode, consider hopping over to watch the Iraq Unpacked PLUS Episode #9 The Archeology of ISIS.
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October 9, 2024 at 4:48 am /
Thank you so much for this series Keith, we are so excited about what you’ve shown us!
Every blessing,
Rae & Nige
September 22, 2024 at 3:10 pm /
All glory to the LORD! He is directing your paths to show to all of us how awesome wonder He is in His infinite wisdom, knowledge, and strength because everything under the heavens is His. Praise the LORD!
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