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  • Check out “the people of Israel striving for leadership” on YouTube. Yehuda has been great to study with, he has a heart for ALL people. I think that is what is missing from so many peoples and denominations. That’s what I love about BFA’s ministry, it is lifting all people up! I love that! Provision is a decision, and you can count us IN!

  • Hi folks,

    I just wanted to let you know that there is a option for you all to be active and involved in standing up for the jewish sovereignty on the temple mount. It’s called Cry for Zion. It’s a brand new website, but soon more info will be put online. You can already sign up to be kept up to date. The website is:

    See you next year in Jerusalem!

  • There is a consolation can be drawn from this, maybe a little obscure… At least Islam is beginning to recognise the biblical feasts of YHVH the Almighty One, Creator of the Universe! Even if it is in an awkward back-handed way…

  • After watching the video of the crowd attacking the group of Jews who ascended the temple mount, I understand why Keith called for people to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. The issue is for people to be able to visit there without fear of violence. Should people sit on their thumbs until the minority in control receive enlightenment and decide to be gracious? Sometimes people have to stand and say “enough is enough.”
    When we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we are praying “thy kingdom come.”
    Can anyone prevent the will of Yehovah, who watches over his word to perform it?

  • The actions of a few in control on the temple mount , we hope, will be shamed. Those with a conscience should be stung by the words of Yeshua as he quotes Isaiah and Jeremiah. “Forbid not the children to come to me. Of such is the kingdom of heaven.” And in Isa. 56:7
    the word of Yehovah is written, that those who join themselves to Him to serve Him and to love his name shall come with joy to His house of prayer. We have the vision of Yehovah’s kingdom, and we also have the provision.

  • Yes! Add a donation to BFA to my order.
