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  • If anyone reads this at this late date, think about what is transpiring in this great country. On Dec. 15 a crowd of protesters in New york City shouted, “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!” Today, Dec. 21, in NYC a man assassinates 2 NYC policemen after vowing to give wings to pigs. The hearts of men are deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.
    O Father Yehovah, help us be humble and tender as little children and love as you love, loving to the death, if necessary, and help us know what it means to fear you. Forgive us for the words we speak out of anything but love.

  • In retrospect and in consideration of the sad events of Ferguson, MO I appreciate Keith’s comments. We see what we are made of when truth does not fit our image and when truth hits us in the face in the form of something we refuse to accept. Truth can be ugly and challenging to us. Nevertheless, it is truth and we must cry out to God for the strength and and honesty and grace to accept it. And we must often give our brothers space to accept the unwanted truth in their own time. We are to be pitied if we never accept truth. God give us the grace to accept truth and move on in forgiveness. God holds us all to the same standard: that we must forgive even our enemies and pray for them.

  • Way to go Keith! The last thing this country needs is more polarization. Although a “police state” seems to be what the powers that be want us to accept, we MUST remember that we are all brothers and sisters. The reason the USA military isn’t used against it’s citizens(yet) is because it is made up of USA people(for now). Police force, same thing. Mostly moral sheepdog type people who wanted to see more justice in this world. I TOO, would like to see a bit more justice and a lot less division. This is a good start. 🙂

  • Experience has proven that good relations between men must ALWAYS begin with respect for Yah’s instructions and covenant. Stealing, lying, and arson, as well as excessive use of force are not constructive community building strategies. Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with your Elohim.

  • I admire and respect Keith for how he sees the wrong and brings us to the understanding of what is right. He is an ambassador of truth and human friendship to the world.


  • Shalom, Shalom Brother Keith,

    My wife is a Charlotte Police Officer for the past 19 years and we both so appreciate what you have done by stepping out to “Stop A Cop”. I worry so much for her safety each and every day. Because of the few bad apples that are sprinkled here and there in a lot of Police Districts all across the country, who shouldn’t have even been given the chance to stain and soil the uniform they wear to protect and serve, hatred has boiled over for ALL the Police which is unfounded and just outright unscriptural for those who call themselves children of the Most High. Isn’t there a bit of Scripture that states that one is to search out a thing before making a judgement? How can one judge an individual without all the facts attached to THAT individual? So we all are suppose to hold prejudice against those in blue just because they wear blue? That sounds like the same as racism with the color of ones skin as well as a bunch of gang protocol with attacking someone with a blue bandanna instead whatever color you like. People needs to be waking up and stopping all this needless foolishness and walk that walk that our Daddy has instructed us all to walk to please Him.

    Again Big Thanks to YOU Keith for your encouraging act as a true upstanding role-model and all in the name of the Most High. Praise Yah! HalleluYah!!!!!!!

  • One more thing, all that is called Holy, means it is the personal Temple treasure of the King; is His and anyone who touches His Holy things, including Holy ones of Israel; causes the wrath of HaShem. Dare not touch His anointed ones.

  • This is what my non religious, but biblically moral parents taught me; give honor and respect to the police officers and miliatry, they are like Holy Angels who stand watchguard over our lives. We could adopt this as part of regular Rosh Chodesh rememberance; it is in the Torah portion for this week Softim; a cohen moves among them to reminds us, HaShem is in our midst. Pinchas was a Temple guard, as are these men; he was given a never ending covenant of peace; and he was a black man; as shown by his name.

    HaShem He is King, He is “in the field” give him honor.

    Baruch HaShem

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