Unrolling the Scroll Video Series
3 Episodes Aired on Shabbat Night Live!

Episode 1
When Worlds Collide
From a harrowing taxi ride through a Palestinian hostage zone, to getting canceled from Christian television, Keith Johnson and Nehemia Gordon share the miraculous mayhem of meeting Michael Rood — and how one very peculiar Torah scroll was at the center of it all.
Episode 2
The “Holey” Word
The Word of YeHoVaH is perfect, but the stuff it’s written on is not! Torah scrolls are written on animal skins, so what happens if the animal has a blemish or a bump? And what are the traditions to, literally, get around it? Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson share fascinating facts about Keith’s scroll and the traditions that led to its curious oddities.
Episode 3
Under The Microscope
Torah scrolls are impressive enough, but what happens when you look a little closer? Nehemia Gordon breaks out his 50-times magnification microscope to give you a detailed view of Keith Johnson’s Torah scroll under normal light, ultraviolet, and infrared. What you will see in this episode are details that few others have ever seen!