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  • Hey Keith, how about listing your feed so I can subscribe to your audioblog. Having an Android I use Podkicker and not iTunes on my phone. I got you on the iMac… but it is a moble thing for podcast.
    Intresting podcast.

  • Thank you Keith!!! Another great one!!! May Yah bless & guide you always

  • Keith, I love you. I wish we could talk. I follow your adventures. But it is hard to take a half hour out of my life. I wish you could make your audios shorter. Also, you switch topics every 30 seconds and go off topic all over the place before circling back to tickle us with a tidbit of the story line. These overlapping interruptions pushes my frustrations to the breaking point.

  • Thank you for doing what you do! It is a blessing to be able to hear about what is happening in the Holy Land :–)

  • Praying for you Keith and your team in Israel be safe. Shalom

  • Thanks Bro Keith; you are eyes and ears to the rest of us! May Yah bless you, and Nehemia, and all helping with the aviv and new moon search.

  • Yes! Add a donation to BFA to my order.
