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  • Wanted!

    1189 lovers of Yehovah!
    If you can read Hebrew however well I need your attention!

    29 people who can read 41 chapters of Hebrew Will also do, if you say Yehovah or yahuwah or even Yahweh when you read out loud!

    This is an exciting project to create an audio Hebrew experience called the acts.

    The Acts of Yehovah and Yhshua.

    Are you excited? Are you a visionary?

    Are there 41 wind lead Hebrew readers who can read 29 chapters each? If there are overnight we could produce the most astonishing audio experience of the word of Elohim on YouTube or on Facebook or on both!

    But the most amazing and wonderful opportunity requires 1189 of you wind inspired lovers of Yehovah!

    I am listening to and enjoying the wonderful Hebrew audio addition of the word of Elohim produced by the Israeli Bible Society, but my neshama is grieved every time they obscure the name, the beautiful name of our father Yehovah.

    If you understand this saying:

    More than my name my word is increased!

    And you can read the Hebrew word of Yehovah
    Please contact me

    Sam Gray on
    And make a blind man very happy

  • I’d say that the word “taval (tah-vahl)” should be looked into more deeply. In the ESV “taval” is translated as “dip, dipped, etc” 15 times, but is translated as “plunged” only once in Job 9:31. According to Gesenius and Jastrow “taval” also means “immerse,”which might be a more correct translation in this context. Consider the awkwardness in translating “taval” as “dip” in Mat. 3:11b,” He [Yeshua] will dip you in ( or “with”) the fire of the Holy Spirit.” If we translate “taval” as “immerse” however we loose the awkward sound of the verse,” He will immerse in the fire of the Holy Spirit.”
    According to Jastrow , page 517, “taval” in Rabbinic literature in contexts bathing for purification.
    It seems like to me that baptism or immersion after Yeshua’s death became a symbol of having ones sins washed away and dedication to Yeshua. I think Acts 19:1-7 is a passage that should be looked into regarding baptism/immersion.
    Keep reading.

    • Let me restate my second paragraph which I failed to proofread,” According to Jastrow, page 517, “taval” in Rabbinic literature is used in contexts of washing for ritual purification.”

  • I did not start here. I started when Keith took a party to the Temple Mount in Israel and prayed, read out the prayer of Solomon. So I came back to the beginning to see what I had Missed. And this coincided with a stage in my development in the relationship with missed. And this coincided with a stage in my development in the relationship withYehovah where he introduced me to the real Yeshua , His real son. He is his father and my father, His Elohim and my Elohim , And finally his Yehovah And and my Yehovah .
    How is it that I can be compared in the same breath as Yeshua ?

  • For those who may want to study the textual nature of the Shem Tov Hebrew Matthew, here’s a link to the original study by George Howard: The Gospel of Matthew according to a Primitive Hebrew Text. [the website does not include the text and translation]
    You can find this book on amazon for the cheap price of $708.99! (How’s going to buy that?!)
    But seriously you can find the second edition also on amazon with a much, much more reasonable price. Shalom.

  • Starting with audio course and, then, catching up on Phase One to commit to Phase 2.

    So glad I didn’t miss this offer today! Hallelujah! Going on to the True Kingdom of Yeshua.


    Yana B.

  • It was fitting for John to baptize Yeshua as I see John as a High Priest (descendant of Arron)(Order of Melchizedek from Adam) after his Father Zacharias (Yehovah Remembers) I have always wondered why they didn’t use the word Mikvah…

  • For an excellent refutation of the Aramaic theory and evidence that Hebrew was the primary language in first century Israel see the book “Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus” by David Bivin and Roy Blizzard Jr.
    For a completely different theory of how we got the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) see “Jesus Rabbi and Lord” by Robert L. Lindsey who was David Bivin’s mentor. It is available as an ebook at

  • It’s about time! Thank you for venturing into an area that needs the attention you are giving this subject — Yeshua/Jesus: the Hebrew speaking teacher to all who would follow his message of peace, brotherly love, redemption, and restoration to the Father’s Kingdom and His covenant Torah. Amen.

    I’m very excited about this, my friend.

  • Red Alert: Just shown is a man appealing for prayer at a ‘forbidden’ place in the language the way Yeshua taught. Thumbs up for CeeBee 2.0 in keeping Keith on topic. As for Professor Johnson’s intro, Martin Luther, the pope, and Hitler would be disappointed — but not me.


  • Yes! Add a donation to BFA to my order.
