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  • Thank you all so much! I’ve been on a marathon today, saturating myself in y’all’s teachings, Torah Pearls, and videos since 7 am! Wonderful way to spend Shabbat!
    Thanks so much for making all these videos available again!
    Going south, up out of and above the valley of Gehenna towards Ein Rogel St. is named
    Givat Ha Naniya , the hill of Yah’s blessing…there’s a small green park there…
    the easterly part of Abu Tor goes to the Valley of Jehosaphat and Silwan after the end of Ein Rogel, probably the premier street address for view in Jerusalem…

  • Keith,

    Thank you so much for the honest approach you bring to the scriptures. I have a serious question regarding Paul that I have never received an answer to. Can you, Jono or Nehemiah give a reason for the way Paul quotes the Tanakh in Romans 3.

    As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one; there is none who understands; there is none who seek after God. They have all gone out of the way; they have together become unprofitable; there is none who does good, no not one. Their throat is an open tomb; with their tongues they have practiced deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips; whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood; destruction and misery are in their ways; and the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes.” Romans 3: 8-10

    I have always read this thinking that this was an actual piece of scripture from the Tanakh…..but its not. Paul has taken 6 different pieces of scripture and pasted them together!! These scriptures are Psalms 14: 3-5, Psalm 5:9, Psalm 140:3, Psalm 10:7, Isaiah 59:7,8, and Psalm 36:1 It seems to me that the point that Paul is trying to make is that no man can be righteous through obeying the Torah. Yet If I got back and read each one of these verses in context, they are actually saying the opposite of what Paul seems to be using them for. Can you or anyone else give an explanation for the way Paul using the scriptures in this passage????

    Sorry if this question is not specifically about the scriptures you guys are discussing. But I truly would like to know each of your opinions.

    Thank you guys for creating a forum like this. It is truly refreshing.

  • I really appreciate that Nehemia puts things in context and makes the promises clearer. Thank you!

    I would suggest that when Paul references a Tanukh passage he is referencing to the whole scriptural passage in typical midrashic style.

  • How does 1 Corinthians 7:13-15 bear upon the wife and husband who are at different places in their spiritual walk? Are they not both believers? Even if one was a non-believer, what would it mean? While there is not an easy answer that is the same for each couple, how do the following questions apply? We are to exhibit the fruits of the spirit, and not the fruits of the enemy. How do the fruits of the spirit apply to each person and to both in this situation? How does each remain in peace and how do they remain in peace together. Who sanctifies whom? We are told not to judge, but we are also told that we can judge others by their fruits. My experience tells me that even though as a couple we are joined together as one flesh, we still do not know everything about our partner and what drives things they think and do. However, God does know and thankfully He is merciful and gracious, as his son, Yeshua, was also merciful and gracious because he only said what his Father said and did what his Father wanted him to do. What does the principle of forgiveness have to do with this? You know, God forgives us IF we forgive others. How do we live in forgiveness with our spouses? Even though we are married, can we honestly expect the other person to meet all of OUR needs? Or can we take those needs (burdens) to God and let Him carry them, so we can live in peace with our neighbor (spouse)? God dwelling among/in us provides the sweet spirit that loves and lubricates like oil, the rough, hard places where we walk smoothing the way.

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