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  • Started today and enjoying this Deep Dive! I’m teaching myself Hebrew but you are opening another realm for me. Thanks

  • Praise Yehovah for this amazing study! Thank you Keith for bringing this to us. I know this is very important for a time such as this. I wish all word of God studies would do it this way. I have never learned so much and been so excited to study as when I get to dig deeper into the word in the language, history and context of how deep and amazing Gods word is and getting to know Him better and closer than ever before. I am just so thankful for this study. Please keep it going. I am praying for its success. It is such a blessing.

  • Thank you Keith, I look forward to this study.

  • I like this very much. I am making my own DLT – Daisy Louise Translation for every verse.. Thanks for all your help. I appreciate you : )

  • In my spiritual journey, I have learned that the Hebrew language is very deep. Many things are revealed when one dives into the letters of a word, the word itself is a revelation that just simply blows my mind. There is so much to learn from the Hebrew Language “Christians” have no idea exists. I am so glad that I found the Hebrew language, although I am trying to learn it by myself and from other teachers like yourself. Shalom and be bless.

  • I am a little behind in this teaching but I loved the promo! This series is going to be great! I wish to learn Hebrew and bought a grammar book but end up falling asleep when I begin to study it! I will definetly not fall asleep learning Hebrew and Yehovah’s words this way! Thank-you Keith!

  • This is exciting as with the little knowledge that I have of Hebrew and understanding that the word have more meaning than just a object, noun or verb name
    , I look forward to hearing More.

  • Amazing teaching ,
    Thank you

  • Thank you I will be learning and sharing with my granddaughter 10 whom I just recently got back in touch with.

  • I thank you so much for this series. YeHoVaH has been pointing me towards yona since I had a dream at the end of July. I have been desperately trying to dig deeper to find answers as to why I am being pointed in the direction yona and learning Hebrew. Your teaching couldn’t have come at a better time. Thank you Keith for your obedience to YeHoVaH and allowing Him to work through you.

  • Thank you Keith for bringing me the context of “Jonah”.
    But I still want to ask:
    1.Why Jonah is considered so important and is read every Yom kipppur by jews?
    2.How has it been misused and misunderstood?
    As far as I am told: Jonah in belly of big fish for three days and three nights refer to Jeshua’ death underground.
    I will follow your teaching. Thanks for sharing so fabulous webinar. My heart is caught by Torah now!

  • I love it !!!

  • Thanks Keith!

  • Excellent teaching! I am excited to go on this journey into the Book of Jonah and look forward to what our Lord will reveal. I am excited to learn more of the Hebrew language through this study – so that means we will receive a double blessing from this study!

    Thank you, Keith for your energy, dedication and love for our Father and His Word!

  • Thank you so much Keith,
    I am so excited to continue with the rest of Jonah. Looking at Jonah differently now and all the parts that I have missed.
    Much appreciated.
    Well wishes to you and your family.

  • I’m excited to begin understanding Jonah more effectively! As we have followed along in the 70 ministry of Messiah (event 81, Chronological Gospels), we knew there had to be greater significance when we stopped to read Jonah all the way through.

  • Thank you, Keith, for making the Word live, for expanding our understanding, and for re-igniting the desire to delve into the riches revealed by the Hebrew language.

  • We enjoyed this presentation very much and are looking forward to seeing next week’s episode.

  • I may learn the Hebrew alphabet after all. This is exciting and your presentation is so full of energy, making this come to life. Itis good to slow down and not run to quickly through or past the verse. Thanks for helping me slow down and consider.

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