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  • Jew and Gentile together in Yeshua! the two sticks become one in Him!
    I am a Jewish believer and I thank you and Nehemiah for all you have done to “reconnect” us to Abba and His Way!

  • Wow what can we say about how YAHOVA is moving among his people, I have had some glorious moments proclaiming His Name, and this encourages me even more.

    Praise YA for the ministry work he has placed in your hands you have been Faithful to do it.
    Peace be with you.
    Maryann Robinson

  • Brother Keith,
    I’d like to watch what you did. Times are tough.

  • Its hard to do a standing ovation on the computer!! BRAVO! Thanks for telling this message that has been setting heavy on my heart since I found out the truth. I know you paid a heavy price for telling the truth. Keith I owe you big time and am praying for the day I can pay you. YAH bless you and your wife and family.

  • Andrea rocks!

  • Yes! Add a donation to BFA to my order.
